According to past studies, the body of YESHUA around the world has been advancing the good news of the Kingdom of Heaven. But it looks like there is a window on the world map that has to be covered. We encourage and support people who God has given a burden over this region to be the hands and feet of our Lord on the ground. We encourage churches to rise from lukewarm christianity and raise up an army of Jesus lovers to storm this window with the glorious gospel of God’s Kingdom and to also be alert and active where God has stationed them by actively asking the HolySpirit how to advance for every soul to be saved.

According to recent studies, the global body of believers in YESHUA has been actively spreading the good news of the Kingdom of Heaven. However, there are still areas on the world map where this message has not yet reached. We are committed to encouraging and supporting individuals whom God has burdened for these regions, empowering them to be the hands and feet of our Lord on the ground. We urge churches to move beyond complacency and to raise up a passionate army of Jesus followers to boldly proclaim the glorious gospel of God’s Kingdom in these unreached areas. Additionally, we encourage believers to be vigilant and proactive in the places where God has placed them, seeking the guidance of the Holy Spirit on how to effectively advance the message of salvation to every soul. With 2.4 billion current followers of Jesus, if each person committed to sharing the good news with just one neighbor, the impact could be exponential. By seeking divine strategy from the Holy Spirit, we can reach out to the lost in a powerful and effective way.